Exporting Custom Filters & Presets
All Eclipse Audio software tools allow custom data (IIR+FIR information &/or complete loudspeaker presets) to be exported in a variety of formats so it can be loaded into any DSP product with user-accessible settings.
While IIR filters and other settings are accessible in most processors, some brands don’t use FIR filters, or have ‘unadjustable’ built-in FIR settings and prevent users from loading custom FIR filters. This page outlines file export formats & loading instructions for brands that DO allow users to load FIR filters. (i.e. ‘FIR-Capable’ products.)
Loudspeaker Processing Interchange Format (LPIF)
LPIF is a vendor-independent method for documenting and transferring loudspeaker processing data, suitable for both file and network transfer.
All Eclipse Audio software supports LPIF (JSON) file export in addition to the export file formats noted below for each brand.
(FIR-capable) Pro Audio Products & OEM DSPs
Software: SigmaStudio
Processor: SigmaDSP (& SHARC when SigmaStudio for SHARC extension installed)
Export file formats: TXT, CSV
Software: Intelli-Ware
Processors: Apex Intelli series
Export file format: “Text file (Column, decimal)”
Software: HiQnet Audio Architect
Devices: Soundweb London, Crown Amplifiers
Export file format: “CSV file (column, decimal)”
Software: Audio Weaver Designer
Use on any brand processor with an active AWE Core license
FIR export file format: “CSV file (column, decimal)”
IIR export file format: CSV file. Select “Audio Weaver (enabled only)”
Software: IRIS-Net
Export file format: “GFK file (EV, Dynacord)”
Software: IPX Controller
Export file format: use Direct-To-Processor* functionality
Software: Lake Controller
Requires the Lake FIR 3-way V2 module + FIR Designer Lake Controller plugin
Export file format: use Direct-To-Processor* functionality
Software: System Engineer
Export file format: “SFI file (Linea Research)”
For full presets: In FIR Designer M, use Direct-To-Processor* functionality.
For individual FIR filters: Software is specific to each product (see Marani website)
Export file format: “TXT file (column, decimal)” and CSV file (column, decimal)”
OpenDRC series, miniSHARK kit, 2×4 HD PWR-ICE 125 & PWR-ICE 250
Export file format: “BIN file, 32 bit float”
Load using the MiniDSP plugin specific to each product
Software: Powersoft Armonia
Amplifiers: X, Ottocanali, Quatrrocanali, DueCanali
Export file format: “Text file (Powersoft Armonia)” OR use Direct-To-Processor* functionality
Software: QSC Q-Sys Designer
Export file formats (for FIR filters): CSV or WAV
Load CSV, WAV files into the FIR Custom Filter block in Q-Sys Designer.
Use the IIR Custom Filter block in QSC Q-Sys to load IIR filter coefficients generated and saved from FIR Designer’s IIR tab.
Software: Library Manager
Export file formats: “CSV file (column, decimal)”
Loading Instructions for 4-series processors
Contact XTA for FIR loading instructions for other XTA amplifiers & processors
Software: Xilica Designer
Export file formats: “CSV file (column, decimal)” or “CSV file (row, decimal)”
*Direct-To-Processor functionality is available in FIR Designer M, FIR Designer & FIR Creator EX
(FIR-capable) Media Managers, Players and Plugins:
Export file formats: “WAV file”.
A single-channel FIR filter file can be used across all output channels). Its not necessary to create a multi-channel WAV filter file.
Export file formats: “WAV file”.
HQPlayer ConsumerHQPlayer Professional
Load WAV filter files in the Matrix menu under Convolution Setup
Know another product that allows users to load FIR filters? Please tell us.