Loading FIR filters into DFM processors & amplifiers
This page describes how to load FIR filters from FIR Designer M, FIR Designer and FIR Creator EX into DFM processors.
In the Export tab, set the filter length to 506 samples then select the format “FIT file (DFM)” and press Save FIR.
Contact DFM to receive a download link for the NetControl software and install.
- Run NetControl.
- In the GroupList panel, right-click on ROOT, select Add devices and select a device. In this example we have selected the DMOD2SX.
- The Device panel appears. Click on any of the FIR tabs or buttons.
- On the FIR tab, click Load.
- On the Load FIR-Filter dialog, select All files, find and select the FIR filter file from FIR Designer, and press Open.
- The plot shows the magntiude response of the FIR filter and the label (next to the Load button) changes to the filename.