Loading FIR filters into XTA 4 series processors

This page describes how to load FIR filters from FIR Designer M, FIR Designer and FIR Creator into XTA 4 series processors.

In the Export tab in FIR Designer, select the format “CSV file (column, decimal)” and press Save FIR.

Download and install XTA Library Manager 4.70 here (find it in the “Software” tab)

  • Run Library Manager.
  • In the File menu click New and choose a processor.

  • In the Add menu, click Add a Preset to Library and choose a Crossover setup.

  • On the FIR Data tab, click any of the Load New buttons to load a FIR filter from a CSV file.

  • The FIR Data tab shows the total number of taps used across all channels.

  • Channel gains, delays and IIR filters can be set on the other tabs.


Note: Do not check the “Enable Auto Delay Correction.”

Enabling auto delay correction aligns all the channels to the centre taps of all the FIR filters that are loaded; regardless of their length. However this assumes that the FIR filters are linear-phase with filter peaks at the middle of the FIR data taps.

When using FIR Designer this is unnecessary. In FIR Designer the filter delay can be arbitrarily set and is therefore not always at the middle of FIR filter coefficient array. Also, FIR Designer M already compensates for FIR filter delay within the loudspeaker preset workflow and combines any necessary alignment delay with each of the channel delays.