Danley & FIR Designer Bring Coherent Sound to Pacific Hills High School

Pacific Hills Christian School in Dural, New South Wales, recently upgraded from their multi-purpose hall’s 20 year old, mostly voice oriented PA, to a multi-zone Danley Sound system capable of handling concerts and musical productions for an audience of over 1300. “FIR Designer” software from Eclipse Audio was used to create custom FIR filters for the different models of Danley loudspeakers (each with different phase responses), resulting in improved coverage consistency and intelligibility. Read the full article from CX Magazine here.


FIR Designer 1.15

Version 1.15 has big improvements in usability and some helpful new features. After many requests, a new “Voicing” EQ tab follows after the auto-mag and auto-phase processes. The “Auto Phase” tab now has more than one frequency band. In fact, now there is no limit to the number of magnitude and phase filters, auto-mag and auto-phase frequency bands, and target slope segments. (Add, delete and re-order the filters, bands and segments at will.) Also, shelf and bandpass filters are now available on the “IIR Filters” tab, and the frequency range of the max/min error calculation, on the “Total Error” plots, is now user definable.

FIR Designer 1.10

Version 1.10 has a raft of new features and updates. 192 kHz filters can now be created. We’re asking for feedback on a new Measurement Averaging tab where a directory of measurements can be loaded, time/phase aligned, and averaged using one of four different methods. Longer filters – now out to 65536 samples – can be generated. Also the import process for time-sample based measurements has be revamped to better support creating filters for multi-way speakers and support using linear phase FIR filters as target responses. For more details, check out the Release Notes page.

FIR Designer 1.9

FIR Designer 1.9 is now available for download.  Key new features since v1.6:

  • Import and Target responses now have a manual offset setting, as an alternative to normalising to maximum. This is useful for maintaining consistent level when making FIR filters for drivers in a multi-way loudspeaker.
  • WAV file importing has been updated to trim any large pre-roll down to, at most, 1500 samples by looking for the peak in the impulse response.
  • Exporting now supports CSV (row) files. This works with Biamp Systems Tesira processors.
  • CSV (row) IR file import is also supported.

For a detailed list of updates since the 1.6 announcement, see Release Notes.

FIR Designer IIR Filters tab

FIR Designer 1.6

FIR Designer 1.6 is now available for download.

Exporting: This release includes the ability to export a filter without a license key, from Direct Design mode, and then import the filter in the regular workflow. This enables experimentation with crossovers in multi-way designs before purchasing a license. This FIR Designer Target file format includes the filter delay. When the file is loaded on the Target tab, this filter delay is used to correctly time-align the filter.

IIR Filters tab: FIR filters are very useful but they can’t do everything! High-pass and low-pass IIR filters, that might be needed inline with the FIR filter, can now be entered on the new IIR Filters tab. Uses include DC blocking or subwoofer high-pass filters that are too long to implement in FIR. Also included is a series capacitor calculator for calculating the equivalent 1st order high-pass filter for any series capacitor that will be installed inline with a high frequency driver.

Target tab: The “Target Design” and “Target File” responses can now be used together. On the Target tab, selecting “Design + File” will combine the magnitude spectrums of both. This is useful for specifying crossovers in a Target File (using FIR Designer in Direct Design mode) and using the Target Design to set the overall system response curve.

FIR Designer 1.5

FIR Designer 1.5 is now available for download and includes additional controls for target file importing.

FIR Designer 1.4

FIR Designer 1.4 now imports EASERA ETM measurement files (in addition to SysTune STO, SMAART txt and general txt formats). Plus the UI controls for IR plots have been updated to allow vertical zooming and a wider sample range.

FIR Designer 1.3

FIR Designer 1.3 adds an filter output gain and fixes a minor UI bug. It’s now available for download.

FIR Designer 1.2

FIR Designer 1.2 adds support for 96 kHz designs, and is now available for download.

FIR Designer 1.1

FIR Designer 1.1 is now available for download at FIR Designer. This is a maintenance release to fix an intermittent bug with Linear Phase magnitude filters.

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