Several features previously only available in FIR Designer & FIR Designer M have been rolled into FIR Creator EX as part of the version 2 update.
Read on for the details or check out this article in Mixonline.com.
Unlimited IIR filters (increased from maximum 8 per project)
Unlimited FIR magnitude filter prototypes (increased from maximum 8 per project)
Unlimited FIR phase filter prototypes (increased from maximum 8 per project)
More brands supported for IIR emulation. New Blaze Audio, Pascal Audio, RAM Audio & RMS-Acoustics IIR filter modes have been added to the list of emulated brands, joining Biamp Tesira, Marani, Lake, Linea Research, Powersoft, QSC Q-SYS, Symetrix, & BSS). (Note, brand IIRs can be emulated but it’s only possible to convert IIR filter sets from one brand to another in FIR Designer & FIR Designer M.)
New Direct To Processor export windows for Lab Gruppen’s IPX DSP amplifiers, in addition to pre-existing Lake and Powersoft DTP export. See Lab Gruppen DTP instructions.
Customizable plot colors. Choose any colors you want across different plots, and they’ll be saved in the project file. When opening different projects, plot colours will default to any custom colours previously set for that specific project, and can be modified again at any time.

Existing FIR Creator EX or FIR Creator users are invited to upgrade to FIR Creator EX v2 at a reduced cost. (Discount depends on time elapsed since original purchase; see here.)