FIR Designer M : System Export – DTP Lake

This dialog is used to push all system settings to the Lake FIR 3-way module via the Lake Controller.

FIR Designer Lake Plugin

The Lake Controller supports plugins for 3rd party software communication. The FIR Designer Lake Plugin is available for download, along with FIR Designer installers, and is also in the FIR Designer M installation directory. Look for the filename:

where x and y are the version numbers.

Before installing

Ensure the Lake Controller PC and the PC running FIR Designer M have IP addresses in a similar range. Also disable any firewalls on both PC’s.

To install

Follow the instructions in the readme.txt file location inside the ZIP file.

To use

  • Start the Lake Controller
  • Press “Modules” and drag a PLM, PLM+ or D series amplifier module (or virtual module) onto the work area.
  • Select the module and press “Module Store/Recall”
  • Find and recall the “EmptyFir3way_unlocked_with_user_range_v2.csm” module file. This is provided in the FIR Designer Lake Plugin ZIP file.
  • Exit the “Modules” menu and press Ctrl-L on the keyboard. (This starts all plugins that are present in the Lake Controller “plugins” folder.)

The Lake Controller is now ready to communicate with FIR Designer M.

On FIR Designer M launch the DTP Lake from the System Export tab. On the dialog:

  • Press Get Lake Controller PC address.
    • The IP address of the Lake Controller PC should appear, along with the FIR Designer Lake Plugin version number.
    • A list of all the modules, on the Lake Controller work area, should also appear. If not, press Refresh module list.
  • Using the Module drop-down, choose a FIR 3-way module from the available modules.
  • If more than one FIR Designer M window is open, use the Use FIR Designer M Window drop-down to choose a window.
  • Press Push All Settings to send all system information to the Lake module.

Notes on settings

  • For each output channel, the gain and polarity settings (from the Gain/Polarity/Delay tab) are combined into with the FIR coefficients before the coefficients are sent to the module.
  • For each output channel, the delay setting (from the Gain/Polarity/Delay tab) is sent to the module’s factory delay setting.
  • The Mute checkboxes provide realtime mute control of the module’s input and outputs.
  • The FIR Filters Enabled checkbox toggles the use of the FIR coefficients. When unchecked, the FIR filters are bypassed.

Lake FIR 3-way module requirements

  • Input IIR filters or biquads run at 96 kHz.
  • The 3 output channels run at 48 kHz, 24 kHz, or 12 kHz.
    • If one output channel is 48 kHz, the other channels must be 24 kHz and 12 kHz.
    • Otherwise output channels can be any combination of 12 kHz and 24 kHz.
  • Each output has a maximum FIR filter length of 384 samples.
    • The effective length depends on the sample rate. (8 ms @ 48 kHz, 16ms @ 24 kHz and 32 ms @ 12 kHz.)

FIR Filter Sideloading

FIR filters, from sources other than FIR Designer M, can be loaded from file to run on any output channel.

The filter length must be no longer* than the effective length of 384 taps at the output channel sample rate. (8 ms @ 48 kHz, 16ms @ 24 kHz and 32 ms @ 12 kHz.)

* Note: A FIR filtering re-windowing tool may be implemented in the future.

If the sample rate of the FIR filter file is different to the output channel, the filter will be resampled to the output channel sample rate.

To sideload a FIR filter file

  • Use the Out dropdown to choose the sample rate corresponding to the output channel
  • For TXT and CSV files, use the In dropdown to choose the sample rate that corresponds to the sample rate of the file.
  • Press the Load button, for an output channel, to select and load the FIR filter file to the output channel.

Sideload FIR Responses

This plot shows the magnitude response of any sideloaded FIR filters.