Combining multiple measurements, especially for spatial averaging, can result in a more accurate filter design & overall system response. Eclipse Audio has three software products which can average an unlimited number* of loudspeaker measurements – of any supported format – into a single response: Averager, FIR Designer M and FIR Designer. All accept loudspeaker measurements from any tool, such as Systune, Easera, Smaart, Klippel & others.
Averager is a stand-alone software application enabling the creation of an averaged response for use in any other audio & plotting tools (ie. not just those developed by Eclipse Audio).
FIR Designer M & FIR Designer both include the same averaging functionality as an optional step within the filter design workflow. Generate a response for export or for use within the program (from the Import tab).
Averaging filenames and settings can be saved as an ‘Averaging Session File’ which can be can be shared between FIR Designer M, FIR Designer & Averager.
*Subject to computer memory limits
About Measurement File Sample Rates
Measurement files can have different samples rates and don’t have to match the FIR filter design sample rate when using FIR Designer M or FIR Designer. All measurements are resampled to the FIR filter design sample rate as they are loaded.
Tutorial: Loudspeaker Measurement Averaging in “Averager”:
Tutorial: Loudspeaker Measurement Averaging in FIR Designer*:
- Select the ‘Measurement Averaging’ tab
- Select a directory of measurements.
- Choose a “Reference” measurement. All other measurements are automatically time aligned to this reference.
- For each of the other “Comparison” measurements, adjust the time-delay, average weighting and polarity.
- Select one of four averaging modes: Complex, Power (flat, zero phase), Power (minimum phase) and Power (minimum phase + excess reference phase).
- Finally, in FIR Designer copy the average measurement to the Import tab for use in your FIR or IIR+FIR filter design, or export the average response to file. (Export is not shown in video below.)